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How easy it is to Get Stuck

As I think about Getting Stuck, I think about one of our young black and white cow calves that got stuck in our back trench when we were growing up in the country. The calf had gotten stuck there while crossing with his mother and one of my siblings who was responsible for bringing the cows in at the end of that day dropped the ball. Suddenly in the middle of the night our mom is waking us up asking where is Grace’s calf?

As we became fully awake we realized that Grace the mother was mooing very loudly outside. As we got outside, we realized she had found her way home without her calf. We searched for hours unsuccessfully until we saw Grace running and snorting heavily to the water’s edge. As we ran to the water’s edge there we found the calf stuck in the shallow muddy water.

My three brothers and I stepped into that water and begun pulling that calf out. It took us approximately forty five minutes to finally get him out and take him home where we washed him down and wrapped him up in beddings to keep him warm all the while his mother Grace is with us snorting and pushing the calf with her mouth to get him to move or stand up but his feet were too weak to stand. We left them together under our house and returned to bed.

The following morning he was still breathing quite weakly but later that day he died. He wouldn’t stop shivering even though we built a fire close by and kept rubbing him with warm bedding. He died and all hell broke loose with Grace who never got pregnant again. I guess the trauma was too much for her. However, her calf was healthy but he got stuck for too long in that trench of muddy water.

And so I ask the question.

What are you stuck in? OR, what have you been stuck in for a long time or too long? Our calf being stuck was not the cause of his death but the length of time he was stuck. The cold went into his bones and it was difficult to get him warm again.

There was a time in my life when I was stuck and stuck for some time, but I had to come to my senses and realize that this is not what God has planned for my life. This was not it.

Do you recall how the Israelites were in the wilderness for forty years when the journey should have been for only about eleven days?

In Deuteronomy 2:3 God turned to them and said, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward (Deuteronomy 2:3).

Being stuck is not so much a problem as of how long you are left stuck in a situation. We have to be watchful as to how long we are stuck in our lives. Many of us are stuck waiting for someone to come and unstuck us for years upon years to the point where our dreams have died.

If you find yourself in this situation my friend you will have to seek God’s face for direction to turn away and pursue another direction. We have to stop going around in circles doing and accomplishing absolutely nothing.

So what are you stuck on?....

Do you even realize that you are stuck?.....

Holy Father I pray for all of us who get stuck so often from time to time, but today I ask that you will have mercy on us and stretch out your strong arms and rescue us and fill us with the understanding to our purpose in life.

Just remember that God will fill us with all that we need to accomplish and succeed in the things that are in our hearts to do.

God bless you


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